Climate Change Africa
Global Foundation for Climate Change Africa
GFCCA empowers small-holder African farmers by promoting regenerative agriculture that integrate forest and farmland agroforestry systems, hence fostering sustainable land management, and combat climate change. We aim to improve food security, enhance livelihoods, and support environmental sustainability through education, resources, and practical training.
Food Insecurity
GFCCA employs a comprehensive strategy of integrating forest and farmland into agroforestry systems that enhance food security in Africa.
Climate Change
GFCCA reforestation, agroforestry and carbon credit programs contributes towards increasing forest cover and hence offsetting of carbon emissions.
What we do
Get Involved
You can support Global Foundation For Climate Change Africa (GFCCA) via volunteering, in-kind or financially to enable them achieve their vision.
At GFCCA, we have activities and projects that focus on combating Food Insecurity and Climate Change. You are welcome to participate via volunteerism or donation towards our noble cause.
Our thematic and focus area is on fighting Food Insecurity and Climate change in Africa, through regenerative agriculture and adoption of sustainable agroforestry systems.